"We all have likes and dislikes, we have things we love, like the Dodgers, or the Angels, and yes some even love the Yankees, but then there are things we should love--like ourselves."
Jeff Johnson March 2008
I love _________, can you fill the blank in with something you love? List the top five things you love in some order--tie(s) are acceptable. Was you name on the list? We all list children, pets, neighbors and friends, organizations that have meaning to us, sports teams, and even food items. O.K., everyone should just assume chocolate as the king of all food items. Let's look at how much time we spend thinking about the things we love in a positive manner.
We are creatures of habit. We comb our hair in the same way each time, we brush our teeth in the same manner, we sleep on the same side of the bed each night, and we eat a lot of the same foods each day. Our habits are formed because we like routines and we like to be happy. When we think of ourselves my guess is we look at the things we need to fix versus the things we like. For example, we may say, 'I am to fat or to skinny," I need to do this about myself or if I only had______, I would be O.K.' For each one of those 'I wishes' we place on the 'less than' side of the coin how many 'atta boys' do we give ourselves in return? We can improve our image if we do just a few things. We can feel better about ourselves if we spend more time thinking good about us instead of bad.
Start everyday with saying something nice about you, Maybe begin with "I am a good person, or I am smart, or I did something good today for someone, or I went to work today when I felt bad, or I worked as hard as I could at something today." Prai
I believe in you because YOU ARE WORTH IT,
Five 'I loves':
Christ Jesus and His unbelievable fresh-new-each-day mercy; I love my daughters: none could be brighter, more passionate, capable, beautiful, spiritual; I love the church: what joy you have brought to my life, what help to a world in desparate need, what burden and heaviness to my heart; I love Heidi, oh how I should write and write about her--she's given life brilliant perspective and love; I love writing and communicating.(and I love my brother)...there are so many more, parents....
Hi Jeff:
Another awesome blog... made me ask myself when was the last time I gave myself a compliment, when was the last time I say something nice about me. Hah! Can't even remember. Well.. I am a good person, loving, caring and a beautiful person inside and outside.
5 Things I love:
1) I love God above all things.. HE blessed me with the next 4 things I love the most.
2) My children, they make me so proud as a parent.
3) My husband, my other half, who I don't want to live without.
4) My parents, who are my constant support and source of strength.
5) Sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews - too many of them, who are the source of my happiness.
There are so many good things happening in our lives - its a matter of finding good in whatever circumstances we are in.
Thanks Jeff ... another awesome message. I can't wait for the next blog ....
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